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AppSoftPro AV© Sales section allows the user access to the following items:

  • Customers/Vendors
  • Pricing Schema
  • Quote
  • Sales Orders
  • Advertising Campaigns
  • CRM
Customers/VendorsThis section allows the user to add, edit, and view the customers and vendors in the system.
Pricing SchemaThis section allows the user create custom pricing schemas for customers. This will override the default settings in the company settings and allow the user to charge different rates for both labor and inventory based on the customer's pricing schema.
QuoteThis section allows the user create quotes for customers, as well as convert those quotes to work orders.
Sales OrderThis section is used for across the counter sales, the user can create a sales order for selling inventory to an outside customer.
Advertising CampaignsThis section allows the user to add advertising campaigns to the system and track the effectiveness of that campaign.
CRMThis section allows the user add contacts to the Customer Relationship Manager. The user also can add tags, phone number, email addresses and any social media they may have. They can also add activities to the contact, such as phone calls, emails, etc. They may also convert the contact to customer or makr as a lost lead.